salvete, omnes! My name is LaReece Stewart, and I graduated from UGA in 1993 witha B.A. in Latin. During my time there, I was challenged to prepare fully andindependently. Initially I was a psychology major and decided to change said major toLatin AS A JUNIOR after meeting with Dr. Richard LaFleur and Dr. Jim Anderson. Atfirst my parents were not overly thrilled since this meant my staying at UGA for an extrayear; however, they both understood my reasons when I began teaching and loved life!My first teaching job was at George Walton Academy, and I learned so much aboutteaching from the administration and staff. Unfortunately, my numbers of Latinscholars dipped so low that I felt compelled to seek other opportunities for earning aliving. So, I went to paralegal school (lots of Latin in legal terms!) in Atlanta andworked in the legal field in Athens for ten years. During all of that time though,something profound was missing. Students. Interactions with teenagers. Workingalongside amazing faculty. And so, I returned to teaching in 2008! I had reached outto schools around the Athens area and was lucky enough to meet with Morgan CountyHigh School (Madison, Georgia) in 2008. The principal and administration therewanted to add Latin to their world language opportunities! I interviewed there andabsolutely felt at home! In the fall of 2008, I started a Latin program with twelvestudents. Numbers grew steadily, and I now teach extended-day (no planning period)for the third year in a row: 90 Latin 1 students, 85 Latin 2 students, Latin 3 Honors,and Latin 4 AP! I recruit students from all backgrounds: athletes, fine arts, siblings,cousins, neighborhoods, gifted education, and special education. Each day in theclassroom allows me to connect with students in so many different ways. Starting in2011, I have traveled internationally with students from Morgan County High School.Visiting Pompeii with my students never ceases to amaze me. They are mesmerizedby what they see and experience in this ancient town. They place their hands on thebuildings ancient Romans constructed and used so long ago. When they see their firstimpluvium, they recognize they are in the atrium of the house. Over and over, studentswill say, “Ms. Stewart, I remember us studying about ________, and here it is!” Ourlocal tour guides are astounded at what my students know about architecture when wetour Pompeii and Rome. Recently, I was honored in being selected as the 2022-2023Teacher of the Year for Morgan County High School AND for Morgan County CharterSchool System! All of this started with an amazing education at the University ofGeorgia Classics Department. I cannot express my gratitude enough for the faculty(Dr. Jim Anderson, Dr. Naomi Norman, Dr. Rick LaFleur, and Dr. Charles Platter) andstaff and friends (Dr. Erika Hermanowicz) for supporting me and for challenging me tolearn Latin and ancient Roman culture.