The Classics Prize is awarded to the graduating senior who, in the opinion of the faculty, has performed at the highest level in pursuit of the A.B. Classics (Area of Emphasis: Classical Culture: Classical Culture - Classical Archaeology; or Classical Languages: Greek; Latin; or Greek and Latin) during his/her undergraduate career, exhibits very high academic standards in all other course work, and has displayed qualities of leadership while at the University of Georgia. All graduating seniors majoring in the Department are eligible for consideration, but students must be nominated by a member of the Classics Faculty. The Awards Committee, after examining the undergraduate record of the nominees, will select the winner of the Classics Prize. In exceptional years, two majors may be awarded the Classics Prize; similarly, there may be years when no prize is awarded. The recipient will receive an inscribed copy of the Oxford Classical Dictionary at the end-of-year celebration for graduating seniors in May, as well as a complimentary membership to the Archaeological Institute of America, Athens Society.