Since 2015, more than 90% of UGA M.A. students who have applied to Ph.D. programs in Classics or related fields have been admitted. Faculty mentors work closely with applicants to help them select the right programs for their interests and prepare the strongest applications they can. UGA Classics alumni are pursuing Ph.D.’s at: Cornell UniversityDuke UniversityNew York UniversityOhio State UniversityStanford UniversityUniversity of California – Los Angeles (linguistics)University of Georgia (art history)University of Georgia (philosophy)University of MichiganUniversity of Mississippi (history)University of TexasUniversity of Virginia Students who complete either the M.A. in Latin or the M.A. in Classical Languages are sought after K-12 Latin teachers in public and private schools across the country. Since 2015, UGA alumni have gotten jobs teaching in states including Arizona, California, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, and North Carolina. The Classics Department welcomes students who wish to study Classics for two years and then move onto another profession. M.A. students have full access to the career resources and networking opportunities of the University of Georgia Graduate School.